Some Ideas: How to tell someone they didn’t get the job?

Some Ideas: How to tell someone they didn’t get the job?

To a large extent, hiring managers act as gatekeepers in the recruitment process. It is primarily their duty to ensure that only suitably qualified candidates go on to the next round. In order to find a candidate that looks to meet the criteria the team is searching for, it is necessary to sift through dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes. Preliminary interviews may have been scheduled, but you’ve now decided that the prospects aren’t a suitable match for the team. So how to tell someone they didn’t get the job?

What’s the Point of a Job Rejection Letter?

The ramifications of a “non-response” should be kept in mind while debating the right and wrong methods to break the news that an applicant was not chosen for a position. In this case, we are referring to the company’s decision to “reject” the candidate without conducting any more interviews with them after the first interview.

A better Future

A rejection letter might help you stay in touch with a candidate who could be a better fit for another team or role in the future. If their recruitment experience was positive, they are more likely to stay in the candidate pool for future jobs for which they are qualified based on their education and work history alone. The biggest advantage is that they will continue to have a positive impression of your company.

What the Candidates Will know

As an added bonus, candidates will know that you appreciate the work they put into applying for the position and being ready for the interviews. On the other side, it provides closure, allowing them to go on to other projects without having to worry about whether or not they will hear back. This is truer more if the candidate thinks they did really well in the interview and are a serious contender for the position. Rejecting an applicant by letter indicates effort and prevents unnecessary waiting and disappointment after an interview. As opposed to waiting for them to send a follow-up email after the interview, which would just clog up your inbox more, you might show initiative by writing the message yourself.


As a last point, rejection letters are a terrific way to keep in touch with candidates while still being professional. Those who are interested in supporting your brand are likely to be consumers of the products or services your firm provides. When customers have negative opinions of a company, they may choose to no longer patronise it by reducing their purchases. The impact might be amplified if a high number of candidates are competing for available positions. This might result in a considerable drop in profits or revenue if these potential customers are also lost as customers.

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